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Flight sights
Flight sights

As far as the weather or the light allows it, flying is for me a time of contemplation, an admiration of the overwhelming forms of nature and the patterns that man draws on the surface of the earth.  

From a height of several thousand meters, seen from a tiny metal bowl, the scale and perspective of the landscape changes radically. With every flight I am fascinated by this view and I cannot resist the attempt to take something of it with me.

Flight sights
Flight sights
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Flight sights
Flight sights

As far as the weather or the light allows it, flying is for me a time of contemplation, an admiration of the overwhelming forms of nature and the patterns that man draws on the surface of the earth.  

From a height of several thousand meters, seen from a tiny metal bowl, the scale and perspective of the landscape changes radically. With every flight I am fascinated by this view and I cannot resist the attempt to take something of it with me.
